Dr Sam Camarata

KBMO FIT and gut barrier panel changed my LIFE. It’s been over 7 months now since sticking to the plan and my test results. This is the BEST I’ve felt and performed in practice in YEARS!!! Outside of the office I am a better husband and father because of the way my brain and body functions now…I will continue to scream from the mountain tops and praise what you guys are doing over there.

Emma DaviesI have found the FIT test by KBMO to be a unique option amongst the other food intolerance testing choices available to us in the UK. By employing methods that detect both igG antibodies and the complement antigen together – this test determines more accurately the patient’s reactivity and I can then tailor their diet much more specifically as a result. This lab also offer an easy to read colourful chart, and a weekly rotation diet which can really help the client visualize what eating with newly avoided foods might look like. The test is easy to perform at home and results are quick compared to so many labs. I see many patients with all sorts of gut permeability issues with the resultant inflammation that manifests in a wide variety symptoms ranging from arthritis, muscle pain, lethargy, fatigue, brain fog and more and I have found this test, in identifying so many food reactivities, can really help alleviate so many of this broad symptomology.

I have been using the FIT Test for the past 2 years in my Holistic Nutrition Practice and I absolutely love it. It allows me to implement a bio-individual approach through a diagnostic tool that patients are able to do in their own homes. Some of my clients use the test just to continue with their healthy habits and eating only what their body agrees with. Others use it for weight loss goals and are astounded how the wrong foods have blocked their efforts. Many clients use the test to improve their inflammatory conditions, and I have seen amazing results. For some clients who want to change their diet and don’t know where to start, the FIT test is a wonderful tool and is a great starting point as they are able to see which foods they have a negative reaction to. The FIT test is a great first step for my clients to developing healthier eating habits. Fatigue diminishes, sleep and mood improves. All kinds of medical conditions that have formed to chronic inflammation improve when the foods that show a reaction in the blood test are removed from their daily food intake. Dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and acne get better or heal, arthritis and joint inflammation improves. One of my clients is pain free after decades of joint immobility, as long as she lives 100% by her test results. Chronic headaches, chronic migraines have improved, diminished, or are not part of my clients lives anymore. Learning difficulties have improved, as have mood disorders. I have seen clients see improvements with their depression and anxiety. All kinds of digestive issues have improved. I see many clients with chronic stomach pain, which have not been able to pinpoint the cause or been diagnosed with a medical condition. The FIT Test is a fabulous tool to help these clients. For some it has been life-changing! Patients with gastro intestinal conditions, including diarrhea/constipation/bloating have gotten back to a balanced digestive tract after removing all foods that the body reacts to. Personally I have used the FIT Test four times, and have healed some responses and recovered from health issues. My clients find that they were able to find the missing piece in their health puzzle with the FIT Test. The FIT 6 Test is a great follow up tool for clients who have reacted to eggs, cow’s milk dairy, and wheat/gluten. To see if the reactivity has been reduced or changed is so helpful. Sometimes it is very encouraging to take the test again, to see how the effort of removing a few foods from the meal plan has paid off. It can reduce the reactivity while healing takes place and after this period of refraining from eating it, an occasional intake might be better Digested and handled by the body. Working with the whole team at KBMO Diagnostics is a joy and a pleasure. Everybody is so competent and eager to support; I can highly recommend to integrate the FIT Test into a holistic nutrition practice.

Great to talk with you and share some of the results I have experienced since including the FIT test results into my health regimen. A little background, I am currently the Medical Director of an Inpatient Rehabilitation Facility and outpatient UNC hospital owned Pain Clinic.’ In the recent past I served as Olympic team physician for the Beijing games and your fair country’s event in the summer of 2012 at the London Olympic games.’ My personal experience that led me to pursue sports and pain medicine stems from my own health issues. Since the age of 17 I have had multiple aches and pains including a back disease with surgery, 2 shoulder surgeries, and dislocated left thumb. Oddly, enough the dislocated thumb has created the greatest impact on my ability to work as a chiropractor since 1989.

Now as an MD I have been performing steroid injections on my CMC (thumb joint) multiple times per year (I know…not good). I always knew there was something underlying that made me susceptible to this ongoing pain. Since I performed the FIT test and eliminated all of the food allergies (basically all the food I love) for the past 4 months my left thumb pain is gone, my back and shoulders feel great. I work out almost daily performing rigorous exercises outside with a group of men 2-3 times a week and perform boxing 2 days a week, which pounds on my thumb. The only pain I have now is normal muscle pain from the exercise. I am excited to see the results of my follow up FIT test. My trick will be to see how I can integrate KBMO into a hospital based pain clinic.

Initially I found out about KBMO at a functional medicine conference in Miami earlier this year. I met the KBMO rep and chatted about the test and decided to take it myself.

In a role reversal, I found myself being the injured athlete rather than the doctor after a busy triathlon & marathon season. Having gone through a great rehab program and adhering to a good anti-inflammatory diet my injuries just wouldn’t fully resolve. In addition, I noticed other health ailments that popped up along the way including weight gain & snoring.

After receiving the results of the KBMO FIT test I found that in spite of a very healthful diet, I had tested positive for inflammatory reactions to some of my staple foods. Some I expected, others were totally unexpected. Within days of eliminating them from my diet 99% of my musculoskeletal aches and pains resolved and my snoring had resolved. Within a couple weeks I was able fit my wedding ring back on my finger and I fit into my nice suit again. No more headaches, no more neck or back pain, no more Achilles tendinosis pain and finally I was back on track to getting myself into triathlon shape again. What a breakthrough!

Who knew some of my staple healthy foods were contributing to my health issues? After experiencing the KBMO FIT test for myself, it’s so much easier to be passionate about the benefits of this test with my patients. The precision of the test results helps me guide patients very specifically when it comes to the age old question of which foods to eat and which foods to stay away from. Even a healthful diet like mine needed some tweaking and the KBMO FIT test was the perfect tool to help.

Thank you for making it such an easy test to take myself and administer to my patients. The results are incredibly helpful and the new IPhone app makes accessing my (and my patient’s) results a cinch!

I got introduced to the FIT Test a year ago, last January, when I met my current doctor. He was the first person to finally give me the right diagnosis after a few tests, and after taking my first food sensitivity test I could feel the changes! I had way too many antibiotics about 3 years ago which badly affected by digestion. Everyone before kept telling me based on my basic blood work that I’m okay and that my body probably just needs more time..?! I knew that wasn’t the case. Before the antibiotics I was a very healthy person who would never get sick and had huge appetite for food. I loved food! But then things changed, I was tired all the time, had a persistent rash on my neck and most of the foods I was eating left me with pain and discomfort. When I met my current doctor he confirmed that I struggle with Leaky Gut Syndrome and sadly I also learned I was in an early stage of autoimmune disease. That was shocking, but knowing that in a couple of years I went from feeling strong to having pain in my joints all over my body, lost muscle and lost hair, I wasn’t surprised. Since discovering this test, I have taken it almost every month and it is working magic for me!! My joint pain is gone, after awhile I was able to enjoy food more, and by fall I had no sign of autoimmune disease! That was a huge relief!! My body is still healing and I have to watch what I eat and rotate foods but the reaction to foods went from many to few, including my sensitivity to wheat and gluten which is now gone. I also learned over the months that my body doesn’t react well to dairy, and the reaction is recurring. But, it is easy to substitute dairy these days. I would highly recommend this test to anyone who has some reactions to foods and is looking to improve their health.